What I am getting at here, as that we all assume that the conveniences will always be available. Our entire generation of people are 100 percent reliant on these conveniences. What happens after a catastrophic event cuts power to half of the country for several weeks. I can only assume complete chaos, murder and other debauchery.
What to do about it? Learn how to live with out conveniences! I am not asking that you give up all conveniences and move the woods of Montana and live in a shack. I am not even asking for a permanent change in lifestyle. How will you provide for yourself in the event that conveniences are gone. Learn how to garden, how to retrieve fresh water, how to kill an serve and animal. Walk to work some day, go a day with out electricity in your home, cook a few meals from scratch, learn how to sew. You don't have to give up conveniences, just learn and prepare yourself for a time when they are not available.
I hear you on that one bro.Every year my bro-in-law and a few other bro's take a trip up to the E.Sierras,just to do the very thing your talking about here.Its just us a couple tents and fishing poles.Kinda like a back to basics, eat what ya catch or pillage for,no power,no modern day convenient travel trailers.But getting back to topic here though,its trips like this one every year that kinda make one prepared for a back to basic like event.I think I'm pretty much prepared for such an event,definitely,into living off the land here and could survive pretty easily without a lot of the common necessities that people take for granted.Maybe if more people learned a little about being so tech or digital dependent,this planet we live on might be around awhile longer.
Well Scrum, you are among the vast minority of people who have the skills to live with out conveniences. I undoubtedly always refer to the wise words of Ragnar Redbeard.
"Blessed are the strong, for they shall possess the earth - Cursed are the weak, for they shall inherit the yoke. Blessed are the powerful for they shall be reverenced among men - Cursed are the feeble for they shall be blotted out.
Blessed are the bold for they shall be masters of the world - Cursed are the humble, for they shall be trodden under hoofs. Blessed are the victorious, for victory is the basis of right - Cursed are the vanquished for they shall be vassals forever."
There are definitely not too many people that have the skills to live without out the modern day conveniences.Something I had to deal with when I was a kid growing up in a small biker town in Ventura Ca.We didn't have much of anything really,basically grew up hard and fast,learning common sense shit along the way that I extremely value to this day.Those things I learned at that age kinda turned me off to the modern convenience crap.Mind you I have what I need and have my toys that I built myself.But now today I live a minimalist kind of lifestyle.Totally into growing my own shit and do,nice little vegetable garden I have on side of my house.Pretty good with a knife and can gut a deer and get it hung to be smoke cured.I partially do what this topic is about on a daily basis.So when the shit does hit the fan on this planet,I think I'll have a little more breathing room compared to the people that are scrambling for position in there downward spiral from losing much of what they take for granted.If it ever got real bad as we were forced to live like that from some unforeseen circumstance.Like a major power outtage.Survival mode kicks in real early for me,garden always producing,get out there and catch some fresh fish.Wood fire would be goin to keep warm,luckily I have a fireplace and use it to. I could go on and on but the point being is yes If it did happen I'm sure I could maintain some sense of order and with a couple bro's that are the same way we could actually stay fed,keep warm and dry and carry on fairly well amongst the chaos that would soon persist.I totally agree with the quotes from Ragnar Redbeard in your post.
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