Have you heard any recent Darkthrone material? If you haven't, you are missing out on the best black/thrash- black & roll metal of all time! I have been jamming Darkthrone for many years, always being a first to pick up their new album. When "The cult is Alive" came out, my first reaction was -what the hell are these guys doing? Darkthrone are best known for their necro black metal of the early 90's that inspired legions of other black metal bands.
Many black metal fans will complain about how Darkthrone isnt black metal anymore, they are just a couple of fags, whatever... Go back down to your Mom's basement and tell yourself how tr00, necro and cult you are because I don't give a shit -New Darkthrone is hella headbanging!
Their last two albums "F.O.A.D" & "Dark Thrones & Black Flags" sound like old school thrash with a splash of punk and a skeleton of black metal. Lately I have been listening to alot of Toxic Holocaust, which is maybe why I like the new darkthrone so much.
Darkthrone on Myspace
Also I really like their new mascot Max Necro, he is the Eddie of black metal. The artwork from the two new albums and the creator of Max Necro is Dennis Dread- check out his amazing ball-point pen art.
Here is a video for their song "Fuck Off And Die!" from the album F.O.A.D
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