Friday, February 27, 2009

It is almost too easy to make fun of Black Metal bands!

Here is a list of videos that will have you on the floor laughing! You could spend hours on youtube watching black metal parodies and laughing your ass off. Some of these videos are truly funny; but I see alot of jack-off myspace posers that are making black metal parody videos. My motto is "never take yourself too seriously" however, it really pisses me off to see 16 year old kids wearing corpse paint in the mall, making fun of my music (See Black Metal Cookies). Put your camera down, and meet me in the pit, I'll show you something funny... Grab a beer, and check out these videos, and remember that you can only really laugh at yourself...

The 10 most ridiculous black metal videos

I have no words for how retarded this and die laughing!!!

The most cvlt, tr00, necro black metal band evar! MORBID ANAL FOG

BLACK METAL COOKIES...this one is really gay...just warning you OK! A couple of fags!!!

KFC Black Metal Commercial not sure if this is a real commercial or not?

Goregorotten....another funny, but really gay parody of blackmetal

Gaahl....What primary ideas fuel Gorgoroths music?.....................SATAN!....

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