Tuesday, February 17, 2009

State of Econimic Crisis

At this point in my life, I don't even watch the news anymore. I have enough other issues, the news just pisses me off completely. Furthermore, most news that you see is loaded, jaded and entirely full of sh*t! I do not claim to know the ins and outs of our global economic crisis, but I sure as hell know what I am going to do. Here is my top ten list of things that i will do to prepare myself for the economic sh*t-storm.
  1. Buy 50 acres of land in central Texas with ample natural water
  2. Stock up on guns and ammunition
  3. Obtain my concealed handgun license
  4. Start an organic garden on my property
  5. Raise goats, chickens and cows on my property
  6. Collect as many books as I can for homeschooling my children.
  7. Install solar panels at my property
  8. Build battle bunkers for war against anyone who dares to enter
  9. Stock up on needles for my record player to play endless hours of black metal, death metal and doom metal from my record collection
  10. Live like a viking while everyone else dies as the streets burn in riots!!!
A photo of my ideal home and property.

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